So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31

Monday, May 2, 2011

The continuation...

I KNOW. But there's actually a very good reason why I haven't blogged in 9 months. I started this blog because I wanted my NYC peeps to be up on what I was doing and what was being done to me (yes) in nursing school. BUT after the first semester, when everything pretty much became focused on patient care, I realized I couldn't use this kind of forum to update people. You see, patient privacy is a HUGE part of medical care and if I talked about my patients on here, even though most of you will never meet them, I would be violating their rights to privacy. And since they're all I really wanted to talk about about, I fell off the wagon. AND, i was a little busy :)

SOOO this is really for NYC people who have been asking me what I'm up to now that I'm graduating and when I'm coming back...see, what had happened was...
I'm actually not moving back. See, even though there is a nursing shortage (I have my doubts about that), new grads are not the prime picks. I was searching for a position in NYC for months and I wasn't even getting rejection emails or letters. There just isn't anything there for new grads. So then I started to apply here in Rochester. My school is affiliated with a phenomenal hospital called Strong Memorial and they actually like and hire new grads. I had a position after 2 interviews. So I figured I'd work here for a few years and get some solid experience then see where God will lead me next. But no worries!! I am less than an hour's flight away and I will be released from school/jail officially on May 13 so imma be all up in y'all's grills really soon :)

With all that said, I'm going to be a real nurse soon!! I have to say, I wasn't so sure that the University of Rochester could make people into nurses in a year but folks, it's true. I am living proof. The last course that I had to take (which I just finished, yay!) is what we call a Capstone course and this is where you start to really use everything you've learned and really immerse yourself in patient care. I had to stop myself a few times and say to myself, "Did I really just think that brilliant thought all by myself without a clinical instructor?" Or "Did I really just teach that family member all they could possibly need to know about diabetes?" Or my personal favorite, "Did I really just take care of that patient pretty much all by myself and they're still alive?" I'm amazed at the changes that I see in myself; where in the beginning I had to do deep breathing exercises before I entered any patient's room, I act like I won the place now :) It's a wonderful feeling.

I've had such a great year :) God really knew what He was doing when He nudged me toward nursing, I really can't think of anything I'd rather do. And the way He's provided for me...I can't even begin to tell you all. This line in the song comes to mind, "...All I have needed thy Hands hath provided..." Friends, when God tells you go do something, just do it. He will blow your mind with His providing everything you need, but what I love more is how along the way He also fulfills some desires that you may have just because He's that awesome and loves giving. And it might not all happen at the time that you want but when it happens, you'll see how perfect His timing is.

I'm getting all choked up. I don't get choked up.

*pulling self together*

NOW, all I have left is to pass my licensing exam, the dreaded NCLEX. I'm probably going to take that in early June so I have a month to really get my act together. I am going to ask you all to pray, it's a challenging test and I'd really like to not take it more than once :)

I thank you all for the prayers, Facebook messages, status comments, texts, stalkering phone calls, *coughkarenmelendezcough* lol...they are all appreciated more that you'll ever know. Maybe I'll see if I can do updates every once in a while so that y'all don't completely lose track of me. And if nothing else, there's always Facebook :)


Sunday, August 8, 2010

I can't believe there's 4 days left!!!!!

Wow. wow. wow.

I am practically a third of the way done with this program. Where did the time go?!?! Oh, I know...countless, torturous hours at my desk, books and papers everywhere, my computer on 24/7, (by the way, I don't know what I did before I owned a Mac, the thing has literally saved my educational career) bags under my eyes, hair askew (unacceptable), actually wanting I'm just listing a litany of daily occurrences and not really trying to figure out where the time went.


But seriously, the time has both gone by fast and dragged. And even though it's been tough, I have LOVED every minute. I think the last time I wrote, I was just about to start clinicals and now I'm 5 weeks into them. I can't even begin to tell y'all how much I've learned. It's so funny how my view of human beings has changed, I find myself assessing people visually for abnormalities all the time and my medical vocabulary? It's grown exponentially. My classmates and I are always laughing when we discuss our patients because we use vocabulary that we had no idea about 3 months ago. The other day, someone said that they thought they were getting heartburn and without thinking I said, "Oh no. Are you going to need a proton-pump inhibitor?" There were other, non-nursing people there and they all looked at me like I was crazy. And it took me a second to realize why my question might be confusing. I rephrased. "Let's get you some antacids."
This is what has happened to me, folks. I've learned stuff!! And it's good, helpful stuff :)

Clinicals have been amazing. Coming here, I was 98% sure that nursing was what God had planned for me but especially after clinicals, I have become 150% sure. I can't begin to describe the amazing high that I get when I'm taking care of my patients. Don't get me wrong, nursing is hard, back-breaking work. So many times I've come home, out-of-my-mind exhausted and said, "Lemme just lay down for a lit..." and woken up 4 hours later, completely confused. BUT. I ADORE it. My nurturing side is having an absolute field day :)

I've also learned some other things. Nursing can also be very heart-breaking work. I have already experienced losing patients and I wasn't ready for how that would feel. It's absolutely devastating. But I decided that if I did anything at all to make them feel better, feel taken care of or feel loved, then I did something. And who knows how God used that. I'm going to have to keep reminding myself of that, though. It's rough stuff.

Going to Brooklyn on Friday :) :) I can't wait to breathe polluted air and eat real sushi. I will be doing a whole lot of nothing and eat myself into a coma. Maybe I'll even gain back some of the weight that I've lost...

SO. Next semester is going to be obstetrics, pediatrics and psychiatry. I'm especially excited about pediatrics because kids are so medically interesting. Oh, and I like them :) It's supposed to be a lighter semester than this one so maybe I won't lose quite as much hair lol. BUT spring semester is going to be BRUTAL because it's laden with medical/surgical courses. I'm going to ask y'all to start praying NOW. I would like to still have hair, teeth and some semblance of womanly fat when this is all said and done.

To my NYC peeps: see you soon!
To everybody else: ummm...bye?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It's really been that long since I blogged? Wow...

SO. Since the last time let's see what's happened:
I've taken 3 pathophysiology tests.
I've taken 3 nursing assessment tests.
I've done 3 huge assessment projects including a comprehensive health history write-up and a 5 minute head to toe assessment (with an instructor watching).
I've been sleep-deprived.
I've been stressed.
I've wanted to lay myself at the altar except I couldn't find one.

But I'm alive.

Praises be to the name of Jesus because without Him I would never have made it this far. I'm more than halfway through my first semester!! I have learned SO much. My classmates and I marvel at ourselves when we discuss things in class because we use knowledge and language that we had no clue about 6 weeks ago.

We just started this course called therapeutic interventions and we're learning a lot about day to day care of patients and making life comfortable for them. I'm loving that :) Next week, we will be starting *drumroll* CLINICALS!! For those of you staring blankly at your screens, this is when we actually get to take care of people. Our first rotation is in long term care so we're going to be hanging out with the elderly. I am scared out of my mind but SO excited about it. I've always had an extra-soft spot for the elderly :)

I'm taking it day by day. I can't look too far ahead because then I get completely overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to get done. I'm just focusing on what I need to get done for tomorrow and all the other tomorrows and that's working pretty well so far :)

I found a Christian fellowship on campus!!! One of my classmates (who had also been looking for a Christian fellowship) and I went to one of their meetings two weeks ago and have been going ever since. Going is our "reward" for getting lots of work done lol. It's made up of all undergrads so I was pretty much old enough to mother most of the people there and I felt like those over-thirty year olds who still try to sneak into Transitions (my young adult group in Brooklyn). But the speaker was awesome and spoke the word of God and I had just needed that so badly. AND they are affiliated with a great church and are willing to give us rides to church and back. Isn't God good?

Alright. I've been procrastinating all week writing my final paper for my patho class. It's worth 15% of my grade so I better get to it...and I guess now would be a good time...

I would give my right arm to be able to go to prayer meeting at the Brooklyn Tabernacle tonight (random, I know).

Oh and another thing...GO BLACK STARS!!!!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting into the groove

Whew!!! What a week!! This week, I managed to:
1. Get through my first pharmacology exam
2. Get through my first nursing assessment exam
3. Turn 29
4. Make my lab partners dissolve into fits of laughter in the middle of our eye exam.

Yes, it's been a full week. It was also a very stressful week because on Thursday and Friday, I was taking tests.

I'm going to be really transparent for a second and say that I have never really felt smart and have never really understood why people think I am. I've always been disciplined and focused but I haven't always done well in school. But when you decide to do something like nursing school, there's no messing around. You'd better do well and get it, or you could kill someone. It's a sobering thought. Even though it's only been 2 weeks, it's becoming more and more real that being a nurse is a HUGE responsibility. Only really careful and frankly, anal people should do it. I fit that bill beautifully :)

Anyway, this whole week I was trying to catch up on my reading and really hammer out the information that was going to be on the tests. We were all nervous. Our pharmacology teacher had basically told us that if we've been A students, we need to be prepared for Bs. I wasn't feeling that at all. But all I could do was study as much as I could and pray for the best. We had a review session on Tuesday morning and I left there completely panicked. I felt like I didn't know anything and I saw many sleepless nights in my immediate future.

On Wednesday we had our HEENT (Head Eye Ear Nose Throat) lab and we had to do full physical exams on each other. We had to do in depth eye, ear, nose, mouth and neck exams. It was so cool. Except when I was using the opthalmoscope, (the thingy that eye doctors use to check the back of your eye) I totally had it backward. So the light that was supposed to be shining in my patient's eye? It was shining directly into mine and so I couldn't see a thing. "Why is this light so bright? I can't see anything"! I looked at it again decided to turn it around and see what happened.


Thank God for lab and practice. Imagine doing that with a real patient?! Mortifying.

On Thursday I spent all morning reviewing for the test that was at 1 o'clock. Oh yeah, and it was my birthday. Someone else might have been depressed spending their birthday underneath 100 books but I was perfectly content and too stressed to care lol. I went to take the test and I actually left there thinking, "That wasn't so bad..." The grades will be coming out soon so we'll see if my impression was accurate. After the test I went to the library to study for my assessment test that was today. I spent a few hours there then came home and studied some more. Happy birthday to me.

I woke up early (4:00 AM. ouch) to get some last minute studying done and then went off to lab. We did the neurological system today and got to do tons of neural system tests. Of course, I had the only lab partner with no reflexes so I was trying that for 5 minutes and got nothing from her. She was a good sport, though.
The test was right after lab and it was fairly painless. The teachers posted the answers outside right after it was done, which I thought was plain mean. "I definitely don't want to see those," I said as I made a bee-line for them. From what I saw, I did okay.

I came home and now I'm deep inside my bed, watching a movie, not doing one blasted thing till tomorrow...when I have to start studying for the the next two tests in a week.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week 1...check.

I made it through my first week!!

I have to say, I LOVE it. You know something is right for you when you sit in class and very eagerly absorb everything that is told to you, when you actually enjoy reading the hundreds and hundreds of pages (not exaggerating) that you are assigned every day.
I've already learned so much. I had my nursing assessment lab for the first time yesterday and got to practice taking vital signs. I took blood pressures and pulses and respiratory rates and temperatures. I got to use my stethoscope!! I draped it around my neck and everything!! It felt really legit :)

Now, they don't call it an accelerated program for nothing. Even though on most days I have at most 3 classes, they are about 3 hours long each and by the end, my brain is absolutely fried. Then I still have to read and prepare for the next day. But adjusting to full-time school again hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Taking all those pre-requisite course helped to prepare me, even though they were very different from this.

I haven't seen as much of Rochester as I would like because I just haven't had the time but I found out that with my student ID, I can ride any bus for free. WOW!! Take that, NYU. Next weekend I'm taking the bus downtown and doing some exploring. Why not this weekend, you may ask? Well, I have a test on Thursday and another on Friday...SO this weekend is going to be me, my room and the textbooks. And for some reason, that doesn't depress me at all :)

LOVING the weather!!! It's in the 50s and 60s every morning and I always walk out with no sweater, totally comfortable. Meanwhile, the local Rochesterians (made that up) bust out with their spring jackets. Shouldn't they be used to it by now? Shouldn't they be the ones in the tank tops? Food for thought.

So far I haven't felt a deep, unquenchable longing for New York City and I don't know if it's because I'm busy or because I'm a suburban at heart :) I'm going to give it a little more time and see...

Please pray that I would be God's light to this place and among my classmates. This is my ultimate goal and desire, and I can't do it by myself or on my own strength.
Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ooooohh boy...

Maybe no one else has experienced this before but I'm going to put it out there anyway. Have you ever noticed that there are certain mirrors that make you look really good? Your skin is clear, your eyes are perfectly shaped and evenly sized and your hair is perpetually fabulous even when you've just woken up? The mirror in my bathroom is NOT that kind of mirror. So when I woke up today, not quite all the way down from my benadryl high, and took a peek at myself, I had to do a double take. Could that blotchy face be mine?! School hasn't even started, for goodness sake! I calmed myself down, put on Michael W. Smith and went into the shower. I've always thought that showers are therapeutic but I think they are also transformative (yes, this is a word). My face looked much better when I cam out, thank God. I just couldn't roll up like that on the first day.

I read Matthew 6:25-34 before heading out because it ALWAYS puts a pep in my step, I always feel especially invincible after reading it. And I did today :) I walked into the building and sat waiting for people to show up (I'm chronically early/on-time for stuff). After a while, I'd met a good number of other students. Believe it or not, a lot of the students are from the West Coat. A lot. God help them come December.

*moment of silence*

We had orientations all morning with everybody telling us in the nicest possible way that we were all going to die. "Try not to procrastinate," "Rewrite your notes so that you become more familiar with the material," "We are here if you need any help," they said.

Translation: You are going to die.

So after we were all sufficiently panicked, they fed us (happiness) and threw us in our first official class, pharmacology/pathophysiology. This class is for sure going to make organic chemistry seem like a walk in the meadows eating strawberry ice cream. I'm glad it's in the first semester so that we can get it out of the way. This lecture wasn't that bad, though. The material was pretty intuitive and the case study that we did at the end had a lot of cardiology. I know and love cardiology :) Our professor kept telling us not not expect an A, I squirmed a little at that. As are just so... symmetrical. How could you not just adore them?
We get our stethoscopes tomorrow and I can barely contain myself. A real stethoscope!! God knows I won't know how to use it but I get to learn!
I also have a nursing assessment lecture tomorrow and then some optional academic support classes. No, I don't care if they are optional, I will be going to every single one of them.

Please keep praying! Your prayers are holding me up like you don't know :)
I'll try to post tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The beginning of dependency

Today I went on a walking tour of the campus by myself. It's huge, I was walking for about an hour. It's gorgeous too. All the buildings are made of red brick, which I love. The library (where I'm no doubt going to be spending mucho tiempo) seriously looked like a huge ornate church. I just can't wait to get in there and spend hours upon hours *dripping sarcasm* I took some pictures but the connector thingy that connects my camera to my computer broke so I don't know when I'm ever going to be able to upload pictures :(
On my way back I decided to stop by the medical bookstore and pick up my books for the summer. I knew there were a lot of books but I didn't realize just how many until that very moment. I immediately started to pray when I saw the price tags. For the faint of heart, I won't reveal the actual amount that was spent but let's just say that a small country somewhere would have been grateful for the donation. There are, however, two consolations:
Consolation #1: Some of the books are going to be reused for the fall and spring so this automatically reduces my book bill for subsequent semesters.
Consolation #2: The minute the semester is over the books that are not getting reused are going RIGHT back to the bookstore. I'm selling those bad boys.
So I'm standing there handing over my debit card, and my throat was almost closed in fear and doubt. For those that don't know, I am a natural worrywart and this quality has always warred with wanting and needing to depend on God. It's been a constant struggle. So when I see how much my books (which are probably the most inexpensive parts of this whole endeavor) cost, my knee-jerk reaction is to worry, to worry about finances. But I know that God is using this to teach me to depend on Him. After all, what amount can't the creator of the universe, the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills provide?
So my lessons in dependency have started. Pray that I pass the test.